Collection Item Changed

The information about the collection item that was changed

Trigger Type



Each webhook payload will have a triggerType property to identify which event prompted the request, and a payload property to deliver the requested information.

id stringUnique identifier for the Item
siteIdstringUnique identifier for the Site where the Collection lives
workspaceIdstringUnique identifier for the Workspace where the Site lives
collectionIdstringUnique identifier for the Collection
lastPublishedstringDate and time of when the item was last published, will be null if the item has never been published.
lastUpdatedstringDate and time of when the item was last updated
createdOnstringDate and time of when the item was created
isArchived booleanBoolean determining if the Item is set to archived
isDraft booleanBoolean determining if the Item is set to draft
fieldDataobjectObject containing the item details structured within the Collection's schema.


 "triggerType": "collection_item_changed",
    	"id": "582b900cba19143b2bb8a759",
      "siteId": "1111111",
      "workspaceId": "1111111",
      "collectionId": "1111111",
      "lastPublished": null,
      "lastUpdated": "2023-03-27T22:26:40.926Z",
      "createdOn": "2023-03-27T22:26:40.926Z",
      "archived": false,
      "draft": true,
       	// Any data included in the Collection's Item's schema
        "name": "hello world",
        "slug": "hello-world",
        "favoriteColor": "#ff00ff",