Trigger Type



orderId stringThe order id. Will usually be 6 hex characters, but can also be 9 hex characters if the site has a very large number of orders. Randomly assigned.
status stringOne of pending, unfulfilled, fulfilled, disputed, dispute-lost, or refunded
comment stringA comment string for this order editable by API user (not used by Webflow).
orderComment stringA comment that the customer left when making their order.
acceptedOn stringThe ISO8601 timestamp that an order was placed.
disputedOn stringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the ISO8601 timestamp that Stripe notifies Webflow. Null if not disputed.
disputeUpdatedOn stringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the ISO8601 timestamp of the last time that we got an update. Null if not disputed.
disputeLastStatus stringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the dispute’s status.
fulfilledOnstringIf an order was marked as ‘fulfilled’, then this is the ISO8601 timestamp when that happened.
refundedOnstringIf an order was refunded, this is the ISO8601 of when that happened.
customerPaidobjectAn instance of the OrderAmount object.
netAmountobjectAn instance of the OrderAmount object.
requiresShippingBooleanA Boolean indicating whether the order contains one or more purchased items that require shipping.
shippingProviderstringA string editable by the API user to note the shipping provider used (not used by Webflow).
shippingTrackingstringA string editable by the API user to note the shipping tracking number for the order (not used by Webflow).
customerInfo objectAn instance of the OrderCustomerInfo object.
allAddresses[object]All addresses provided by the customer during the ordering flow.
shippingAddressobjectAn instance of the OrderAddress object.
billingAddressobjectAn instance of the OrderAddress object.
purchasedItems[object]An array of all things that the customer purchased.
stripeDetailsobjectAn instance of the StripeDetails object.
stripeCardobjectAn instance of the StripeCard object.
totalsobjectAn instance of the OrderTotals object.
customData[object]An array of additional inputs for custom order data gathering. Each object in the array represents an input with a name, and a textInput, textArea, or checkbox value.
downloadFiles[object]An array of downloadable file objects.


2 "orderId": "dfa-3f1",
3 "status": "unfulfilled",
4 "comment": "",
5 "orderComment": "",
6 "acceptedOn": "2018-12-03T22:06:15.761Z",
7 "disputedOn": null,
8 "disputeUpdatedOn": null,
9 "disputeLastStatus": null,
10 "fulfilledOn": null,
11 "refundedOn": null,
12 "customerPaid": {
13 "unit": "USD",
14 "value": 6099,
15 "string": "$60.99"
16 },
17 "netAmount": {
18 "unit": "USD",
19 "value": 5892,
20 "string": "$58.92"
21 },
22 "requiresShipping": true,
23 "shippingProvider": null,
24 "shippingTracking": null,
25 "customerInfo": {
26 "fullName": "Customerio Namen",
27 "email": ""
28 },
29 "allAddresses": [
30 {
31 "type": "billing",
32 "addressee": "Customerio Namen",
33 "line1": "123 Example Rd",
34 "line2": "",
35 "city": "Examplesville",
36 "state": "CA",
37 "country": "US",
38 "postalCode": "90012"
39 },
40 {
41 "type": "shipping",
42 "addressee": "Customerio Namen",
43 "line1": "123 Example Rd",
44 "line2": "",
45 "city": "Examplesville",
46 "state": "CA",
47 "country": "US",
48 "postalCode": "90012"
49 }
50 ],
51 "shippingAddress": {
52 "type": "shipping",
53 "addressee": "Customerio Namen",
54 "line1": "123 Example Rd",
55 "line2": "",
56 "city": "Examplesville",
57 "state": "CA",
58 "country": "US",
59 "postalCode": "90012"
60 },
61 "billingAddress": {
62 "type": "billing",
63 "addressee": "Customerio Namen",
64 "line1": "123 Example Rd",
65 "line2": "",
66 "city": "Examplesville",
67 "state": "CA",
68 "country": "US",
69 "postalCode": "90012"
70 },
71 "purchasedItems": [
72 {
73 "count": 1,
74 "rowTotal": {
75 "unit": "USD",
76 "value": 5500,
77 "string": "$55.00"
78 },
79 "productId": "5eb9fd05caef491eb9757183",
80 "productName": "White Cup",
81 "productSlug": "white-cup",
82 "variantId": "5eb9fcace279761d8199790c",
83 "variantName": "white-cup_default_sku",
84 "variantSlug": "white-cup-default-sku",
85 "variantImage": {
86 "fileId": "5bfedb42bab0ad90fa7dad2e",
87 "url": ""
88 },
89 "variantPrice": {
90 "unit": "USD",
91 "value": 5500,
92 "string": "$55.00"
93 },
94 "height": 7,
95 "length": 2,
96 "weight": 5,
97 "width": 4
98 }
99 ],
100 "purchasedItemsCount": 1,
101 "stripeDetails": {
102 "refundReason": null,
103 "refundId": null,
104 "disputeId": null,
105 "chargeId": "ch_1DdPYQKMjGA7k9mI2AKiBY6u",
106 "customerId": "cus_E5ajeiWNHEtcAW"
107 },
108 "stripeCard": {
109 "last4": "4242",
110 "brand": "Visa",
111 "ownerName": "Customerio Namen",
112 "expires": {
113 "year": 2023,
114 "month": 12
115 }
116 },
117 "totals": {
118 "subtotal": {
119 "unit": "USD",
120 "value": 5500,
121 "string": "$55.00"
122 },
123 "extras": [
124 {
125 "type": "tax",
126 "name": "State Taxes",
127 "description": "CA Taxes (6.25%)",
128 "price": {
129 "unit": "USD",
130 "value": 344,
131 "string": "$3.44"
132 }
133 },
134 {
135 "type": "tax",
136 "name": "County Taxes",
137 "description": "LOS ANGELES Taxes (1.00%)",
138 "price": {
139 "unit": "USD",
140 "value": 55,
141 "string": "$0.55"
142 }
143 },
144 {
145 "type": "tax",
146 "name": "Special District Taxes",
147 "description": "Special District Taxes (2.25%)",
148 "price": {
149 "unit": "USD",
150 "value": 124,
151 "string": "$1.24"
152 }
153 },
154 {
155 "type": "shipping",
156 "name": "Flat Rate",
157 "description": "",
158 "price": {
159 "unit": "USD",
160 "value": 599,
161 "string": "$5.99"
162 }
163 },
164 {
165 "type": "discount",
166 "name": "Discount (SAVE5)",
167 "description": "",
168 "price": {
169 "unit": "USD",
170 "value": -500,
171 "string": "-$ 5.00 USD"
172 }
173 }
174 ],
175 "total": {
176 "unit": "USD",
177 "value": 6122,
178 "string": "$61.22"
179 }
180 },
181 "customData": [
182 {
183 "textInput": "(415) 123-4567",
184 "name": "Telephone"
185 },
186 {
187 "textArea": "Happy birthday Mom!",
188 "name": "Gift note"
189 },
190 {
191 "checkbox": true,
192 "name": "Send as gift"
193 }
194 ],
195 "downloadFiles": [
196 {
197 "id": "5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f64",
198 "name": "The modern web design process - Webflow Ebook.pdf",
199 "url": ";e7634a;5eb1aac72912ec06f561278c;5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63:ka2nehxy:4a1ee0a632feaab94294350087215ed89533f2f530903e3b933b638940e921aa"
200 },
201 {
202 "id": "5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63",
203 "name": "The freelance web designers guide - Webflow Ebook.pdf",
204 "url": ";e7634a;5dd44c493543b37d5449b3cd;5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63:ka2nehxy:6af5adf7c6fff7a3b0f54404fac1be492ac6f1ed5340416f1fe27c5fd4dd8079"
205 }
206 ]
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