Get a site webhook
Unique identifier for a Site
Unique identifier for a Webhook
The API version
Request was successful
Unique identifier for a Webhook
- Sends the form_submission eventsite_publish
- Sends a site_publish eventecomm_new_order
- Sends the new ecomm_new_order eventecomm_order_changed
- Sends the ecomm_order_changed eventecomm_inventory_changed
- Sends the ecomm_inventory_changed eventmemberships_user_account_added
- Sends the memberships_user_account_added eventmemberships_user_account_updated
- Sends the memberships_user_account_updated eventmemberships_user_account_deleted
- Sends the memberships_user_account_deleted eventcollection_item_created
- Sends the collection_item_created eventcollection_item_changed
- Sends the collection_item_changed eventcollection_item_deleted
- Sends the collection_item_deleted eventcollection_item_unpublished
- Sends the collection_item_unpublished eventUnique identifier for the Webhook Trigger
Unique identifier for a Webhook
filter for selecting which events you want webhooks to be triggered for.
Date trigger was last used
Date trigger was created