The information about the user account that was updated

Trigger Type



_id stringUnique identifier for the User
createdOn stringThe timestamp the user was created
updatedOn stringThe timestamp the user was updated
invitedOn stringThe timestamp the user was invited
lastLogin stringThe timestamp the user was logged in
emailVerifiedbooleanShows whether the user has verified their email address
statusstringThe status of the user
dataobjectAn object containing the User's basic info and custom fields
accessGroupsarrayAn array of Access Groups the user has access to


  "_id": "64061f907c8237778232f9b7",
  "invitedOn": "2023-03-06T17:14:56.493Z",
  "createdOn": "2023-03-06T17:14:56.493Z",
  "updatedOn": "2023-03-09T20:26:01.245Z",
  "emailVerified": false,
  "data": {
    "name": "Some One",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "accept-communications": false,
    "accept-privacy": false
  "status": "invited",
  "accessGroups": [
      "slug": "test-access-group",
      "type": "admin"