FAQs and Troubleshooting

Frequently asked questions

Designer Extensions

You can use any framework to build your extension as long as the output can run in a browser environment, outputs static resources, and fits within the iframe dimensions provided by Webflow.

You can test your Designer Extension in two ways. First, by running a local development version using the CLI command npm run dev and viewing your local development app on a test site. Additionally after bundling, you can upload it to Webflow to see how it runs on our CDN by installing it on a test site.

Marketplace Apps

To share your app beyond your development workspace, you’ll need to publish your app to the Marketplace. However, you can choose to keep your app private and control who you share it with. To do this, follow the submission guidelines and select the “Private” option on “Marketplace Visibility” section of the submission form. All private apps are reviewed in the same process as public apps by Webflow before they’re published. Learn more about options for publishing your app in the Webflow Marketplace.

Yes, you can submit updates for your Designer Extension at any time. Updates will go through the same review process as the initial submission. Use the “Submit an App” form and choose “App Update” in the “Submission Type” dropdown.


  • Ensure that you’ve correctly bundled your App via the Webflow CLI, and uploaded your Designer Extension via the Webflow Dashboard.
  • Make sure you’ve added the Designer Extension to your project. You can do this in the Extensions section of the project settings.

Only Workspace admins can edit app details, create apps, and view client secret keys. This ensures that Workspace owners and admins maintain control over permissions, app details, and new bundle uploads. Please make sure you are working on the App as a Workspace Admin, or ask your Workspace admin to share those details.

Only Workspace admins can edit upload new bundles to Webflow. Please make sure you are working on the App as a Workspace Admin, or ask your Workspace admin to share those details.

  • Double-check your use of the Webflow Designer APIs. Make sure you’re correctly creating, modifying, and saving elements.
  • Be aware that the Designer APIs only allow access to content that is on the current page of the Designer, and not to any other site pages or components that don’t belong to the site.
  • Check the browser console for error messages. These can provide valuable information about what’s going wrong.
  • Make sure all of your extension’s dependencies are correctly included and accessible.
  • Remember that your Designer Extension runs in an iframe with a width determined by your App’s settings, or by using the resizing methods included in the Designer APIs.
  • Check your CSS rules to make sure they’re not conflicting with Webflow’s styles.

If you continue to face issues, don’t hesitate to reach out for support.

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