Working with Localization

Webflow Localization is end-to-end solution for customizing your website for visitors around the world – from design to translation to publishing. With these APIs, your Apps can make dynamic content updates and enable custom localization workflows, providing scalability for growing businesses that are looking to enhance global user engagement and optimize performance for international audiences.

Let’s look at an example. AstralFund is an imaginary bank that serves two locales – the United States and France. To properly address each market’s needs, the bank needs to localize content throughout the site. In the images below, we’ve localized some content. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how to localize the entire site.

United States 🇺🇸

The site’s primary locale is set to the United States with content in English.

What we’ll build

In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of localizing content for a French audience on a website. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a fully localized “Contact Us” page and a new testimonial that resonates with your French audience. You’ll learn how to:

  • Identify primary and secondary locales within Webflow.
  • Localize the DOM elements like text and images.
  • Optimize SEO data for different locales.
  • Manage CMS content across multiple locales.


  1. Clone the AstralFund site to your Webflow account, and add it to a Workspace used for testing.
  2. Publish the site to set it live.
  3. Navigate to the French locale to see the localized French homepage.
  4. Navigate to the Contact page in French. Note the content that is not yet localized. We’ll fix this by localizing the navigation bar, contact content, form, footer, and SEO data.
  1. Clone the Example Repository
    Clone the example repository and install dependencies.

    $git clone
    >cd localization-demo
    >npm install
  2. Authenticate with your Bearer Key
    Make sure you have a valid Bearer Key that is authenticated for your new site. You can do this by authenticating through our API reference docs. Once you have your Bearer Key, store it in your .env file as WEBFLOW_API_TOKEN. Screenshot

  3. Create localization.js
    There’s a full example of all the steps below in index.js. However, if you’d like to follow along with this guide, create a new file called localization.js, and include the following imports of the translated content, as well as the Webflow Javascript SDK.

    1 // Import the pre-prepared localized content
    2 import localizedDOM from "./helpers/Contact Us - French.json" assert {type: "json"}; // Localized "Contact Us" DOM
    3 import localizedMetadataBody from "./helpers/seoData.json" assert {type: "json"}; // Localized SEO Data
    4 import frenchTestimonials from "./helpers/Testimonials - French.json" assert {type: "json"}; // Localized Testimonials
    5 import newFrenchTestimonial from "./helpers/newTestimonial.json" assert {type: "json"}; // New French Testimonial
    7 // Import the Webflow Javascript SDK
    8 import { WebflowClient } from "webflow-api";
    9 import dotenv from "dotenv";
  4. Initialize the API
    Create an asynchronous function, and initialize the API using the Webflow JavaScript SDK:

    1async function localizePage() {
    2 try {
    4 // Initialize the API.
    5 dotenv.config();
    6 const token = process.env.WEBFLOW_API_TOKEN;
    7 const webflow = new WebflowClient(\{ accessToken: token });
    11 } catch (error) {
    12 console.error("An error occurred:", error);
    13 }

    After each step, you can run the file by typing the command node localization to see your progress.

In this step we’ll retrieve the site and locale identifiers, so that we can make locale-specific requests to our site.

  1. Call the List Sites endpoint to find your siteId and locale information.
    Replace the siteName variable with the name of your cloned site.

    1// List sites and get the Astral Fund site's details
    2const siteName = "AstralFund" // Change the site name to the name of your cloned site
    3const sites = await webflow.sites.list();
    4const astralFundSite = sites.sites.find((site) =>
    5 site.displayName.includes(siteName)
    7const siteId =;
    8const siteDetails = await webflow.sites.get(siteId); // Get site details for locale information
  2. Extract the localeId for both English and French from the Site object:

    • Notice the locales parameter, which returns a primary locale, and an array of secondary locales.
    • Each locale has useful information like the language, location, and more.
    • In addition to a specific localeId, each locale also has a cmsLocaleId.
    1// Extract and store locale IDs
    2const locales = siteDetails.locales;
    3const secondaryLocaleId = locales.secondary[0].id; // French is the first secondary locale
    4const secondaryCmsLocaleId = locales.secondary[0].cmsLocaleId;
    5console.log([locales, secondaryLocaleId, secondaryCmsLocaleId]);

In this step, we’re getting the content from a static, primary page, and uploading a translated version to our locale-specific page.

  1. Get the page_id of the Contact Us page using the List Pages endpoint.

    1 // Get the page information for "Contact Us"
    2 const pages = await webflow.pages.list(siteId);
    3 const contactPage = pages.pages.find((page) =>
    4 page.title.includes("Contact")
    5 );
    6 const contactPageId =;
  2. Get the content of the Primary Locale using the Read DOM endpoint.
    This will return all content that can be localized from a static page, which we can then translate for our locale-specific page.

    📘 As of Sep 22, 2023, we only support writing to Text and Rich Text to the DOM. We do not support updating images via this API.

  3. Modify the content to include localized versions of the nav bar, contact content, form, and footer.

    We’ve provided a localized DOM for you with ./helpers/Contact Us - French.json. From this example, create a DOM write object, with an array of DOM Nodes and the cmsLocaleId.

    ./helpers/Contact Us - French.json
    2 "pageId": "65427cf400e02b306eaa0496",
    3 "nodes": [
    4 {
    5 "nodeId": "8017772e-bc46-5c59-54c0-134cdfd4b03a",
    6 "text": "<h2>Contactez-nous</h2>"
    7 },
    8 {
    9 "nodeId": "8017772e-bc46-5c59-54c0-134cdfd4b03c",
    10 "text": "<p>Notre équipe d'experts en finances n'est qu'à un appel téléphonique. Composez notre numéro sans frais, et discutons !<br /></p>"
    11 },
    12 {
    13 "nodeId": "aa9e4de0-011e-ac64-cbc2-3ec4fa3a8bb8",
    14 "text": "<a></a>"
    15 },
    16 {
    17 "nodeId": "aa9e4de0-011e-ac64-cbc2-3ec4fa3a8bbd",
    18 "text": "<a>+1 (555) 000-0000</a>"
    19 },
    20 {
    21 "nodeId": "aa9e4de0-011e-ac64-cbc2-3ec4fa3a8bc2",
    22 "text": "<a>398 11th Street, 2ème étage, San Francisco, CA 94103</a>"
    23 },
    24 {
    25 "nodeId": "8017772e-bc46-5c59-54c0-134cdfd4b0c4",
    26 "text": "<p>Merci ! Votre message a été reçu.</p>"
    27 },
    28 {
    29 "nodeId": "8017772e-bc46-5c59-54c0-134cdfd4b0c6",
    30 "text": "<p>Notre équipe répondra à votre message dès que possible. Merci de votre patience.</p>"
    31 },
    32 {
    33 "nodeId": "8017772e-bc46-5c59-54c0-134cdfd4b0c9",
    34 "text": "<div>Oups ! Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de l'envoi de votre message.</div>"
    35 },
    36 {
    37 "nodeId": "36c1f507-a281-83c4-8222-873b4179b955",
    38 "text": "<h1>Commencez à banquer maintenant</h1>"
    39 },
    40 {
    41 "nodeId": "36c1f507-a281-83c4-8222-873b4179b957",
    42 "text": "<div>Adoptez une nouvelle ère de gestion financière</div>"
    43 },
    44 {
    45 "nodeId": "36c1f507-a281-83c4-8222-873b4179b95b",
    46 "text": "<div>Commencez</div>"
    47 },
    48 {
    49 "nodeId": "36c1f507-a281-83c4-8222-873b4179b95e",
    50 "text": "<div>En savoir plus</div>"
    51 }
    52 ],
    53 "pagination": { "limit": 100, "offset": 0, "total": 22 }
    54 }
  4. Update the content of the French locale by making a POST request to the Update DOM endpoint.
    Be sure to include the localeId in the locale query parameter.

    1// Get the DOM for the Contact Us page in English and translate to French
    2const primaryContactPageDom = await webflow.pages.getContent(contactPageId);
    4// Create the domWrite object with the nodes and cmsLocaleId
    5const domWrite = {
    6 nodes: localizedDOM.nodes,
    7 locale: secondaryLocaleId,
    10// Update the Contact Us page DOM with French content
    11await webflow.pages.updateStaticContent(contactPageId, domWrite);

In this step, we’ll update the SEO metadata for the French version of the page.

  1. Retrieve the primary page’s SEO data via a GET request to the Get Page Metadata endpoint.

    1// Get page metadata
    2const pageMetadata = await webflow.pages.getMetadata(contactPageId);
  2. Translate the data so that it’s relevant for the French audience.

    We’ve provided localized information for you with ./helpers/seoData.json.

    2 "title": "Contactez-nous",
    3 "slug": "contactez-nous",
    4 "seo": {
    5 "title": "Contactez-nous | AstralFund Financier",
    6 "description": "Contactez AstralFund Financier pour des conseils financiers experts et un soutien. Notre équipe dédiée est là pour vous aider sur votre chemin vers le succès financier. Contactez-nous aujourd'hui."
    7 },
    8 "openGraph": {
    9 "title": "AstralFund Financier - Votre partenaire pour la réussite financière",
    10 "titleCopied": true,
    11 "description": "Découvrez les services financiers personnalisés d'AstralFund et prenez le contrôle de votre avenir financier. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus.",
    12 "descriptionCopied": true
    13 }
  3. Update the SEO Data for the French locale via a POST request to the Update Page Metadata endpoint.

    Be sure to enter the localeId in the locale query parameter.

    1// Get page metadata
    2const pageMetadata = await webflow.pages.getMetadata(contactPageId);
    4// Create Localized Page Setting Request
    5const localizedMetadata = {};
    6localizedMetadata.locale = secondaryLocaleId;
    7localizedMetadata.body = localizedMetadataBody; // Use the localized SEO data
    9// Update SEO Data
    10await webflow.pages.updatePageSettings(contactPageId, localizedMetadata);

To demonstrate AstralFund’s commitment to the French market, we’ll translate the existing testimonials, and create a French-specific testimonial from a French regulatory authority.

  1. Get existing testimonials and translate them using our provided translation.

    1// Get Collections
    2const collectionsData = await webflow.collections.list(siteId);
    3const collections = collectionsData.collections;
    5// Find Testimonials Collection
    6const testimonialsCollectionId = collections.find(
    7 (collection) => collection.displayName === "Testimonials"
    10const itemsData = await webflow.collections.items.listItems(
    11 testimonialsCollectionId
    13const items = itemsData.items; // Get item data from testimonial collection
  2. For each translated testimonial, update the CMS item via the Update Collection Item endpoint. Be sure to include cmsLocaleId in the Item.

    1try {
    2 // For each CMS item
    3 for (const [index, value] of items.entries()) {
    5 // Add the secondary `cmsLocaleId` to the item
    6 frenchTestimonials[index].cmsLocaleId = secondaryCmsLocaleId;
    8 // Update the CMS item
    9 const updatedItem = await webflow.collections.items.updateItemLive(
    10 testimonialsCollectionId,
    12 frenchTestimonials[index]
    13 );
    14 console.log(`Item:`, updatedItem);
    15 }
    16} catch (error) {
    17 console.error(`Error updating CMS items:`, error);
    18 throw error;
  3. Create a French-only testimonial using our provided translation.

    1// Create new item
    2try {
    3 // Set the `cmsLocaleId` of the new item
    4 newFrenchTestimonial.cmsLocaleId = secondaryCmsLocaleId;
    6 const newTestimonial = await webflow.collections.items.createItem(
    7 testimonialsCollectionId,
    8 newFrenchTestimonial
    9 );
    10 console.log("Localization process completed successfully.");
    11} catch (error) {
    12 console.error("Error Creating CMS Item:", error);

Congratulations! You’ve localized your AstralFund site! Take a look around the site and see what other opportunities you have to localize content.

United States 🇺🇸

The site’s primary locale is set to the United States with content in English.

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