Your app listing is your storefront in the Webflow Marketplace. This guide will help you create an effective listing that showcases your app’s value to potential users.

Where users find your app

Your app appears in two key locations:

  1. Webflow Marketplace - The primary discovery hub where users browse and explore apps
  2. Apps pane in the Webflow Designer - Where users can search and install apps while building

Marketplace listing

App detail page

Required assets

Essential information

App nameMax 20 charactersKeep it clear and memorable
Publisher name*Max 20 charactersKeep it clear and memorable
Short descriptionMax 100 charactersFocus on core value proposition
Long descriptionMax 10,000 charactersSupports Markdown but not links
Feature listMax 5 featuresHighlight key capabilities
Website URLMust be a valid URLHighlight your app’s website
Privacy policy URLMust be a valid URLLink to your app’s privacy policy
Terms of service URLMust be a valid URLLink to your app’s terms of service
Support emailMust be a valid emailProvide a way for users to get support

Visual assets

App logo900x900px, 1:1 ratioAccepted: Logomarks (pictoral marks)
Not accepted: Logotypes (text)
Promo video1-2 min**Optional. **Video should be hosted on YouTube
Publisher logo*20x20pxMust be recognizable at small size
Screenshots1280x846pxMin. 4 recommended, show key workflows
Publisher branding

*Your publisher logo and name are inherited from your publishing Workspace. To change them, you’ll need to update your workspace name and logo in your workspace settings.


Select up to 5 categories that best describe your app’s functionality:

AITools that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning for content generation, data analysis, and more
AnalyticsApplications that track, analyze, and report website metrics, user behavior, and performance data
Asset ManagementTools for organizing, storing, and managing digital assets like images, videos, documents, and other media files
AutomationSolutions that automate tasks, workflows, and processes to improve efficiency
ComplianceTools that help maintain legal, security, and regulatory compliance (GDPR, CCPA, accessibility standards, etc.)
Content ManagementApplications for creating, managing, and organizing website content, including CMS integrations and content workflows
Customer SupportTools for customer service, help desk functionality, chat support, and customer communication
Data SyncApplications that synchronize data between Webflow and other platforms, databases, or services
DesignTools for enhancing design capabilities, including UI components, templates, and design resources
Development and CodingDeveloper tools, custom code solutions, and programming utilities for extending Webflow functionality
EcommerceSolutions for online stores, including payment processing, inventory management, and shopping cart enhancements
Forms and SurveysTools for creating, managing, and processing forms, surveys, and user input
IconsIcon libraries, icon management tools, and visual asset collections
LocalizationTools for translating and managing multi-language content and regional adaptations
MarketingMarketing automation, email marketing, social media, and campaign management tools
SchedulingCalendar management, appointment booking, and scheduling automation tools
SEOSearch engine optimization tools, including metadata management, sitemap generation, and SEO analysis
User ManagementTools for managing user accounts, authentication, permissions, and user roles
UtilitiesGeneral purpose tools and utilities that enhance Webflow site functionality

When submitting your app, you may select up to 5 categories that best describe your app’s functionality. Choose categories that accurately reflect your app’s core features to help users find your solution more easily.

Best practices for your listing

Writing effective descriptions

Short description

  • Focus on immediate value:
    Clearly state how your app solves a specific problem or delivers value within the first few words
  • Use action-oriented language:
    Begin with strong verbs that emphasize what users can accomplish with your app
  • Include the primary use case:
    Highlight the main scenario where your app provides the most value to users

Long description

  • Start with a clear overview:
    Begin with 2-3 sentences that summarize your app’s purpose and main benefits
  • List key features and benefits:
    Detail your app’s capabilities and how they translate to user advantages
  • Include setup requirements:
    Specify any prerequisites, dependencies, or technical requirements
  • Add usage examples:
    Provide real-world scenarios showing how users can implement your app
  • Link to documentation:
    Reference comprehensive guides, API docs, and support resources

Visual presentation

  • Showcase primary workflows:
    Include screenshots that demonstrate your app’s core features and workflows
  • Highlight unique features:
    Focus on showcasing your app’s most distinctive capabilities
  • Ensure text is readable:
    Make sure text is legible and readable in all screenshots
  • Use consistent styling:
    Maintain a cohesive look across all screenshots

Updating your listing

To update your app listing:

  1. Go to the app submission form
  2. Select “App Update” as Submission Type
  3. Include your App Name or Client ID
  4. Provide only the information you want to update

Keep your listing current! Regular updates show active maintenance and can improve user trust.

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