Error Handling

Webhooks are essential in ensuring smooth inter-service communication. However, they don't always proceed flawlessly. When working with Webflow, it's crucial to know how it handles webhook failures and how you can adjust your processes accordingly.


When a webhook faces a failure during its initial attempt, Webflow follows a retry mechanism to ensure that the payload reaches its destination. Webflow will make up to three additional attempts to resend the webhook if the initial attempt fails.

Failure Conditions

Webflow considers the following scenarios as failure conditions:

  • Non-200 HTTP status code response: If we receive any response other than a valid HTTP 200 response, it is regarded as a failure.
  • Redirects: If the webhook encounters redirects while attempting to deliver the payload, it will be treated as a failure.
  • SSL Certificate Issues: If we cannot successfully negotiate or validate your server's SSL certificate, it will be marked as a failure.
  • Timeouts: Webflow expects a swift response during webhook delivery. If there are prolonged delays in receiving a response from your server, it will be considered a failure.

Deactivation of Webhooks

If Webflow repeatedly encounters failure conditions while attempting to deliver a webhook payload, we will take the following action:

  • Deactivation: We will deactivate your webhook to prevent further delivery attempts.
  • Notification: You will be notified of the webhook deactivation via email.

To reactivate your webhook or if you have any questions regarding a deactivated webhook, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.