These docs are for v1.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.0.

Introducing Your App to the Marketplace

Guidelines for a successful launch of your app in the Marketplace.

We've crafted this guide to provide Webflow developers with a clear understanding of what we seek when evaluating submissions for the Marketplace. Our goal is to maintain a consistent standard of quality, relevance, security, and user experience using these guidelines.

We hope this guide will support you in creating an incredible app for our marketplace. However, some submissions might not be the right fit at this time. As a living document, this guide may evolve to address new challenges or implement new standards. We'll communicate any changes early and often.


We're here to help. If you have questions or concerns about your Marketplace app submission, feel free to email us at [email protected].

Is my app right for the marketplace?

When showcasing apps in the Marketplace, we ensure they adhere to our guidelines and policies. We encourage you to review them thoroughly before submitting.


In general, all work listed on the marketplace must:

  • Be high quality, stable and production ready
  • Authenticate via OAuth 2.0
  • Deeply integrate with Webflow’s public APIs
  • Provide proper user onboarding and offboarding
  • Include a clear privacy policy
  • Offer accessible and responsive support
  • Review and agree to Webflow's Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Developer Terms of Service.

Preparing your app for submission

Following these instructions will help expedite your app's launch.

Check your settings

First, verify your Workspace Settings. Here, you can:

  1. Update your Workspace name to reflect your company name.
  2. Add a Workspace Icon, which will serve as your logo.
  3. Enable your public profile and details about your company for users to review.

Next, in the integrations tab, ensure your registered app details are accurate. Check your Workspace Application details for the following:

  1. Application name
  2. Application description
  3. Redirect URI
  4. Application Homepage

Verify your app's integration against our requirements

  1. OAuth: All apps on the Marketplace must have a fully functioning OAuth implementation. Your OAuth handshake should handle scenarios like users granting site access instead of Workspace access, or canceling on the OAuth page.
  2. Onboarding: Guide users through integrating your app into their workflow and provide clear instructions for any required next steps.
  3. Offboarding: Enable users to disconnect their Webflow accounts and revoke their OAuth token when this occurs.

API Calls to Webflow and Secret Storage

As you develop your app, remember to make API calls to Webflow from your backend. This approach helps protect sensitive information and ensures a more secure and stable experience for users.

When handling secrets such as authorization codes and access tokens, exercise extreme caution. Properly storing these secrets is crucial to prevent hijacking and maintain your app's security. Utilize secure storage methods and encryption to safeguard this information. By taking these precautions, you'll contribute to a safer, more reliable Marketplace for all users.

Keep secrets safe! 🔐

Submitting your app for review

Please submit your app using this form.

To expedite the approval process, provide comprehensive details about your app. Before submitting, ensure the following:

  1. App Avatar Image: Fits neatly into a square. Browse the Marketplace for examples.
  2. App Detailed Description: Avoid vagueness. Clearly explain your app's function and its benefits to users.
  3. App Install URL: Use either your OAuth URL or a URL that 302 redirects users to Webflow's OAuth flow shortly after sign-up or log-in.
  4. Demo Video: Include a demo video demonstrating a working OAuth flow for users approving and denying the request, as well as detailing and displaying your deep integration with Webflow. You may provide a private link to Loom, YouTube, or Google Drive.


Anatomy of an App

Explore how this information will be used to promote your app in the Marketplace with our breakdown of a Webflow App's surface areas.

Review Process

All submissions for publication on the Webflow Marketplace undergo internal review by Webflow before becoming publicly available. We will collaborate with you to address any issues or additional requirements discovered during the review.

Initially, we assess your demo video. Do not submit a marketing video; create a new video that showcases your Webflow integration. Submissions with inappropriate videos will be rejected.

We then evaluate your app, ensuring it adheres to this guide and includes our requested implementations. Note that our review process is not a substitute for your own QA or security measures. Submit production-ready work; bug-ridden apps will be immediately rejected.

The review process may take 3-4 weeks, allowing our team to thoroughly evaluate your app, provide feedback, and offer time for you to make necessary changes before final publication. Following our developer guidelines, supplying comprehensive application information, and including a demo video can expedite the review process and potentially shorten the overall timeline.

Functional and usability testing

Help us review your app by providing detailed testing instructions, as well as free trials, test accounts, and credentials if needed.

Publishing onto the Marketplace

Once testing is complete, we'll add your app to the Marketplace. We'll send you a demo screenshot of your app listing, giving you an opportunity to make any final marketing or copy edits.

Make the most of your app's long description space, and don't hesitate to add a touch of personality with emojis. 😎

Ensure all your images are visible in the carousel.

After approval, your app will be listed publicly on our Marketplace Apps home page.

What’s Next

By adhering to these guidelines and keeping communication open, we'll work together to create an incredible experience for the Webflow community. We're excited to see your app come to life, and we're here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or concerns about your Marketplace app submission, don't hesitate to reach out to us via email. Let's build the future of web design together!