These docs are for v1.0.0. Click to read the latest docs for v2.0.0.

Available Events

Trigger Types


The form data submitted


namestringThe name of the form
sitestringThe id of the site that the form was submitted from
dataobjectThe data submitted in the form
dstringThe timestamp the form was submitted
_idstringThe id of the form submission

Example Payload

	"name": "Sample Form",
	"site": "62749158efef318abc8d5a0f",
	"data": {
		"name": "Some One",
		"email": "[email protected]"
	"d": "2022-09-14T12:35:16.117Z",
	"_id": "6321ca84df3949bfc6752327"


The information about the site(s) published


sitestringThe site id that was published
publishTimestringThe timestamp of the publish event
domains[string]The domains that were published
publishedByobjectThe name and id of the user who published the site

Example Payload

	"site": "62749158efef318abc8d5a0f",
	"publishTime": 1653619272801,
	"domains": [
	"publishedBy": {
		"name": "Some One",
		"id": "123460a7b6c16def4527122d"


The information about the new order


orderIdstringThe order id. Will usually be 6 hex characters, but can also be 9 hex characters if the site has a very large number of orders. Randomly assigned.
statusstringOne of pending, unfulfilled, fulfilled, disputed, dispute-lost, or refunded
commentstringA comment string for this order editable by API user (not used by Webflow).
orderCommentstringA comment that the customer left when making their order
acceptedOnstringThe ISO8601 timestamp that an order was placed.
disputedOnstringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the ISO8601 timestamp that Stripe notifies Webflow. Null if not disputed.
disputeUpdatedOnstringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the ISO8601 timestamp of the last time that we got an update. Null if not disputed.
disputeLastStatusstringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the dispute's status.
fulfilledOnstringIf an order was marked as 'fulfilled', then this is the ISO8601 timestamp when that happened.
refundedOnstringIf an order was refunded, this is the ISO8601 of when that happened.
customerPaidOrderAmountAn instance of the OrderAmount object.
netAmountOrderAmountAn instance of the OrderAmount object.
requiresShippingbooleanA boolean indicating whether the order contains one or more purchased items that require shipping.
shippingProviderstringA string editable by the API user to note the shipping provider used (not used by Webflow).
shippingTrackingstringA string editable by the API user to note the shipping tracking number for the order (not used by Webflow).
customerInfoOrderCustomerInfoAn instance of the OrderCustomerInfo object.
allAddresses[OrderAddress]All addresses provided by the customer during the ordering flow.
shippingAddressOrderAddressAn instance of the OrderAddress object.
billingAddressOrderAddressAn instance of the OrderAddress object.
purchasedItems[OrderPurchasedItem]An array of all things that the customer purchased.
stripeDetailsStripeDetailsAn instance of the StripeDetails object.
stripeCardStripeCardAn instance of the StripeCard object.
totalsOrderTotalsAn instance of the OrderTotals object.
customData[object]An array of additional inputs for custom order data gathering. Each object in the array represents an input with a name, and a textInput, textArea, or checkbox value.
downloadFiles[OrderDownloadedFile]An array of downloadable file objects.

Example Payload

	"orderId": "dfa-3f1",
	"status": "unfulfilled",
	"comment": "",
	"orderComment": "",
	"acceptedOn": "2018-12-03T22:06:15.761Z",
	"disputedOn": null,
	"disputeUpdatedOn": null,
	"disputeLastStatus": null,
	"fulfilledOn": null,
	"refundedOn": null,
	"customerPaid": {
		"unit": "USD",
		"value": 6099,
		"string": "$60.99"
	"netAmount": {
		"unit": "USD",
		"value": 5892,
		"string": "$58.92"
	"requiresShipping": true,
	"shippingProvider": null,
	"shippingTracking": null,
	"customerInfo": {
		"fullName": "Customerio Namen",
		"email": "[email protected]"
	"allAddresses": [
			"type": "billing",
			"addressee": "Customerio Namen",
			"line1": "123 Example Rd",
			"line2": "",
			"city": "Examplesville",
			"state": "CA",
			"country": "US",
			"postalCode": "90012"
			"type": "shipping",
			"addressee": "Customerio Namen",
			"line1": "123 Example Rd",
			"line2": "",
			"city": "Examplesville",
			"state": "CA",
			"country": "US",
			"postalCode": "90012"
	"shippingAddress": {
		"type": "shipping",
		"addressee": "Customerio Namen",
		"line1": "123 Example Rd",
		"line2": "",
		"city": "Examplesville",
		"state": "CA",
		"country": "US",
		"postalCode": "90012"
	"billingAddress": {
		"type": "billing",
		"addressee": "Customerio Namen",
		"line1": "123 Example Rd",
		"line2": "",
		"city": "Examplesville",
		"state": "CA",
		"country": "US",
		"postalCode": "90012"
	"purchasedItems": [
			"count": 1,
			"rowTotal": {
				"unit": "USD",
				"value": 5500,
				"string": "$55.00"
			"productId": "5eb9fd05caef491eb9757183",
			"productName": "White Cup",
			"productSlug": "white-cup",
			"variantId": "5eb9fcace279761d8199790c",
			"variantName": "white-cup_default_sku",
			"variantSlug": "white-cup-default-sku",
			"variantImage": {
				"fileId": "5bfedb42bab0ad90fa7dad2e",
				"url": ""
			"variantPrice": {
				"unit": "USD",
				"value": 5500,
				"string": "$55.00"
			"height": 7,
			"length": 2,
			"weight": 5,
			"width": 4
	"purchasedItemsCount": 1,
	"stripeDetails": {
		"refundReason": null,
		"refundId": null,
		"disputeId": null,
		"chargeId": "ch_1DdPYQKMjGA7k9mI2AKiBY6u",
		"customerId": "cus_E5ajeiWNHEtcAW"
	"stripeCard": {
		"last4": "4242",
		"brand": "Visa",
		"ownerName": "Customerio Namen",
		"expires": {
			"year": 2023,
			"month": 12
	"totals": {
		"subtotal": {
			"unit": "USD",
			"value": 5500,
			"string": "$55.00"
		"extras": [
				"type": "tax",
				"name": "State Taxes",
				"description": "CA Taxes (6.25%)",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": 344,
					"string": "$3.44"
				"type": "tax",
				"name": "County Taxes",
				"description": "LOS ANGELES Taxes (1.00%)",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": 55,
					"string": "$0.55"
				"type": "tax",
				"name": "Special District Taxes",
				"description": "Special District Taxes (2.25%)",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": 124,
					"string": "$1.24"
				"type": "shipping",
				"name": "Flat Rate",
				"description": "",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": 599,
					"string": "$5.99"
				"type": "discount",
				"name": "Discount (SAVE5)",
				"description": "",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": -500,
					"string": "-$ 5.00 USD"
		"total": {
			"unit": "USD",
			"value": 6122,
			"string": "$61.22"
	"customData": [
			"textInput": "(415) 123-4567",
			"name": "Telephone"
			"textArea": "Happy birthday Mom!",
			"name": "Gift note"
			"checkbox": true,
			"name": "Send as gift"
	"downloadFiles": [
			"id": "5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f64",
			"name": "The modern web design process - Webflow Ebook.pdf",
			"url": ";e7634a;5eb1aac72912ec06f561278c;5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63:ka2nehxy:4a1ee0a632feaab94294350087215ed89533f2f530903e3b933b638940e921aa"
			"id": "5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63",
			"name": "The freelance web designers guide - Webflow Ebook.pdf",
			"url": ";e7634a;5dd44c493543b37d5449b3cd;5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63:ka2nehxy:6af5adf7c6fff7a3b0f54404fac1be492ac6f1ed5340416f1fe27c5fd4dd8079"


The information about the order that changed


orderIdstringThe order id. Will usually be 6 hex characters, but can also be 9 hex characters if the site has a very large number of orders. Randomly assigned.
statusstringOne of pending, unfulfilled, fulfilled, disputed, dispute-lost, or refunded
commentstringA comment string for this order editable by API user (not used by Webflow).
orderCommentstringA comment that the customer left when making their order
acceptedOnstringThe ISO8601 timestamp that an order was placed.
disputedOnstringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the ISO8601 timestamp that Stripe notifies Webflow. Null if not disputed.
disputeUpdatedOnstringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the ISO8601 timestamp of the last time that we got an update. Null if not disputed.
disputeLastStatusstringIf an order was disputed by the customer, then this key will be set with the dispute's status.
fulfilledOnstringIf an order was marked as 'fulfilled', then this is the ISO8601 timestamp when that happened.
refundedOnstringIf an order was refunded, this is the ISO8601 of when that happened.
customerPaidOrderAmountAn instance of the OrderAmount object.
netAmountOrderAmountAn instance of the OrderAmount object.
requiresShippingbooleanA boolean indicating whether the order contains one or more purchased items that require shipping.
shippingProviderstringA string editable by the API user to note the shipping provider used (not used by Webflow).
shippingTrackingstringA string editable by the API user to note the shipping tracking number for the order (not used by Webflow).
customerInfoOrderCustomerInfoAn instance of the OrderCustomerInfo object.
allAddresses[OrderAddress]All addresses provided by the customer during the ordering flow.
shippingAddressOrderAddressAn instance of the OrderAddress object.
billingAddressOrderAddressAn instance of the OrderAddress object.
purchasedItems[OrderPurchasedItem]An array of all things that the customer purchased.
stripeDetailsStripeDetailsAn instance of the StripeDetails object.
stripeCardStripeCardAn instance of the StripeCard object.
totalsOrderTotalsAn instance of the OrderTotals object.
customData[object]An array of additional inputs for custom order data gathering. Each object in the array represents an input with a name, and a textInput, textArea, or checkbox value.
downloadFiles[OrderDownloadedFile]An array of downloadable file objects.

Example Payload

	"orderId": "dfa-3f1",
	"status": "unfulfilled",
	"comment": "",
	"orderComment": "",
	"acceptedOn": "2018-12-03T22:06:15.761Z",
	"disputedOn": null,
	"disputeUpdatedOn": null,
	"disputeLastStatus": null,
	"fulfilledOn": null,
	"refundedOn": null,
	"customerPaid": {
		"unit": "USD",
		"value": 6099,
		"string": "$60.99"
	"netAmount": {
		"unit": "USD",
		"value": 5892,
		"string": "$58.92"
	"requiresShipping": true,
	"shippingProvider": null,
	"shippingTracking": null,
	"customerInfo": {
		"fullName": "Customerio Namen",
		"email": "[email protected]"
	"allAddresses": [
			"type": "billing",
			"addressee": "Customerio Namen",
			"line1": "123 Example Rd",
			"line2": "",
			"city": "Examplesville",
			"state": "CA",
			"country": "US",
			"postalCode": "90012"
			"type": "shipping",
			"addressee": "Customerio Namen",
			"line1": "123 Example Rd",
			"line2": "",
			"city": "Examplesville",
			"state": "CA",
			"country": "US",
			"postalCode": "90012"
	"shippingAddress": {
		"type": "shipping",
		"addressee": "Customerio Namen",
		"line1": "123 Example Rd",
		"line2": "",
		"city": "Examplesville",
		"state": "CA",
		"country": "US",
		"postalCode": "90012"
	"billingAddress": {
		"type": "billing",
		"addressee": "Customerio Namen",
		"line1": "123 Example Rd",
		"line2": "",
		"city": "Examplesville",
		"state": "CA",
		"country": "US",
		"postalCode": "90012"
	"purchasedItems": [
			"count": 1,
			"rowTotal": {
				"unit": "USD",
				"value": 5500,
				"string": "$55.00"
			"productId": "5eb9fd05caef491eb9757183",
			"productName": "White Cup",
			"productSlug": "white-cup",
			"variantId": "5eb9fcace279761d8199790c",
			"variantName": "white-cup_default_sku",
			"variantSlug": "white-cup-default-sku",
			"variantImage": {
				"fileId": "5bfedb42bab0ad90fa7dad2e",
				"url": ""
			"variantPrice": {
				"unit": "USD",
				"value": 5500,
				"string": "$55.00"
			"height": 7,
			"length": 2,
			"weight": 5,
			"width": 4
	"purchasedItemsCount": 1,
	"stripeDetails": {
		"refundReason": null,
		"refundId": null,
		"disputeId": null,
		"chargeId": "ch_1DdPYQKMjGA7k9mI2AKiBY6u",
		"customerId": "cus_E5ajeiWNHEtcAW"
	"stripeCard": {
		"last4": "4242",
		"brand": "Visa",
		"ownerName": "Customerio Namen",
		"expires": {
			"year": 2023,
			"month": 12
	"totals": {
		"subtotal": {
			"unit": "USD",
			"value": 5500,
			"string": "$55.00"
		"extras": [
				"type": "tax",
				"name": "State Taxes",
				"description": "CA Taxes (6.25%)",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": 344,
					"string": "$3.44"
				"type": "tax",
				"name": "County Taxes",
				"description": "LOS ANGELES Taxes (1.00%)",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": 55,
					"string": "$0.55"
				"type": "tax",
				"name": "Special District Taxes",
				"description": "Special District Taxes (2.25%)",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": 124,
					"string": "$1.24"
				"type": "shipping",
				"name": "Flat Rate",
				"description": "",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": 599,
					"string": "$5.99"
				"type": "discount",
				"name": "Discount (SAVE5)",
				"description": "",
				"price": {
					"unit": "USD",
					"value": -500,
					"string": "-$ 5.00 USD"
		"total": {
			"unit": "USD",
			"value": 6122,
			"string": "$61.22"
	"customData": [
			"textInput": "(415) 123-4567",
			"name": "Telephone"
			"textArea": "Happy birthday Mom!",
			"name": "Gift note"
			"checkbox": true,
			"name": "Send as gift"
	"downloadFiles": [
			"id": "5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f64",
			"name": "The modern web design process - Webflow Ebook.pdf",
			"url": ";e7634a;5eb1aac72912ec06f561278c;5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63:ka2nehxy:4a1ee0a632feaab94294350087215ed89533f2f530903e3b933b638940e921aa"
			"id": "5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63",
			"name": "The freelance web designers guide - Webflow Ebook.pdf",
			"url": ";e7634a;5dd44c493543b37d5449b3cd;5e9a5eba75e0ac242e1b6f63:ka2nehxy:6af5adf7c6fff7a3b0f54404fac1be492ac6f1ed5340416f1fe27c5fd4dd8079"


The information about the inventory item that changed


_idstringUnique identifier for a SKU item
quantitynumberTotal quantity of items remaining in inventory (if finite)
inventoryTypestringinfinite or finite

Example Payload

	"_id": "5bfedb42bab0ad90fa7dad39",
	"quantity": 83,
	"inventoryType": "finite"


The information about the user account that was added


_idstringUnique identifier for the User
createdOnstringThe timestamp the user was created
updatedOnstringThe timestamp the user was updated
invitedOnstringThe timestamp the user was invited
lastLoginstringThe timestamp the user was logged in
emailVerifiedbooleanShows whether the user has verified their email address
statusstringThe status of the user
dataobjectAn object containing the User's basic info and custom fields
accessGroupsarrayarray of access groups the user has access to

Example Payload

	"_id": "6287ec36a841b25637c663df",
	"createdOn": "2022-05-20T13:46:12.093Z",
	"updatedOn": "2022-05-20T13:46:12.093Z",
	"emailVerified": true,
	"status": "verified",
	"data": {
		"accept-privacy": false,
		"accept-communications": false,
		"email": "[email protected]",
		"name": "Some One"
      "slug": "test-access-group",
      "type": "admin"


The information about the user account that was updated


_idstringUnique identifier for the User
createdOnstringThe timestamp the user was created
updatedOnstringThe timestamp the user was updated
invitedOnstringThe timestamp the user was invited
lastLoginstringThe timestamp the user was logged in
emailVerifiedbooleanShows whether the user has verified their email address
statusstringThe status of the user
dataobjectAn object containing the User's basic info and custom fields
accessGroupsarrayarray of access groups the user has access to

Example Payload

	"_id": "6287ec36a841b25637c663df",
	"createdOn": "2022-05-20T13:46:12.093Z",
	"updatedOn": "2022-05-20T13:46:12.093Z",
	"emailVerified": true,
	"status": "verified",
	"data": {
		"accept-privacy": false,
		"accept-communications": false,
		"email": "[email protected]",
		"name": "Some One"
      "slug": "test-access-group",
      "type": "admin"


The information about the user account that was deleted


_idstringUnique identifier for the User
invitedOnstringThe timestamp the user was invited
createdOnstringThe timestamp the user was created
updatedOnstringThe timestamp the user was updated
emailVerifiedbooleanShows whether the user has verified their email address
dataobjectAn object containing the User's basic info and custom fields
statusstringThe status of the user
lastLoginstringThe timestamp the user was logged in
accessGroupsarrayarray of access groups the user had access to

Example Payload

  "_id": "64061f907c8237778232f9b7",
  "invitedOn": "2023-03-06T17:14:56.493Z",
  "createdOn": "2023-03-06T17:14:56.493Z",
  "updatedOn": "2023-03-09T20:26:01.245Z",
  "emailVerified": false,
  "data": {
    "name": "Some One",
    "email": "",
    "accept-communications": false,
    "accept-privacy": false
  "status": "invited",
  "accessGroups": [
      "slug": "test-access-group",
      "type": "admin"


The information about the collection item that was created


_archivedbooleanBoolean determining if the Item is set to archived
_draftbooleanBoolean determining if the Item is set to draft
_idstringUnique identifier for the Item
_cidstringUnique identifier for the Collection the Item belongs within
namestringName given to the Item
slugstringURL structure of the Item in your site. Note: Updates to an item slug will break all links referencing the old slug.

Example Payload

	"_archived": false,
	"_draft": false,
	"color": "#a98080",
	"name": "Exciting blog post title",
	"post-body": "<p>Blog post contents...</p>",
	"post-summary": "Summary of exciting blog post",
	"main-image": {
		"fileId": "580e63fe8c9a982ac9b8b749",
		"url": ""
	"slug": "exciting-post",
	"author": "580e640c8c9a982ac9b8b778",
	"updated-on": "2016-11-15T22:45:32.647Z",
	"updated-by": "Person_5660c5338e9d3b0bee3b86aa",
	"created-on": "2016-11-15T22:45:32.647Z",
	"created-by": "Person_5660c5338e9d3b0bee3b86aa",
	"published-on": null,
	"published-by": null,
	"_cid": "580e63fc8c9a982ac9b8b745",
	"_id": "582b900cba19143b2bb8a759"


The information about the collection item that was changed


_archivedbooleanBoolean determining if the Item is set to archived
_draftbooleanBoolean determining if the Item is set to draft
_idstringUnique identifier for the Item
_cidstringUnique identifier for the Collection the Item belongs within
namestringName given to the Item
slugstringURL structure of the Item in your site. Note: Updates to an item slug will break all links referencing the old slug.

Example Payload

	"_archived": false,
	"_draft": false,
	"color": "#a98080",
	"name": "Exciting blog post title",
	"post-body": "<p>Blog post contents...</p>",
	"post-summary": "Summary of exciting blog post",
	"main-image": {
		"fileId": "580e63fe8c9a982ac9b8b749",
		"url": ""
	"slug": "exciting-post",
	"author": "580e640c8c9a982ac9b8b778",
	"updated-on": "2016-11-15T22:45:32.647Z",
	"updated-by": "Person_5660c5338e9d3b0bee3b86aa",
	"created-on": "2016-11-15T22:45:32.647Z",
	"created-by": "Person_5660c5338e9d3b0bee3b86aa",
	"published-on": null,
	"published-by": null,
	"_cid": "580e63fc8c9a982ac9b8b745",
	"_id": "582b900cba19143b2bb8a759"


The results from deleting the collection item


deletednumberThe number of items deleted
itemIdstringThe id of the collection item that was deleted

Example Payload

	"deleted": 1,
	"itemId": "6321ca84df3949bfc6752327"


The results from unpublishing the collection item


deletednumberThe number of items deleted
itemIdstringThe id of the collection item that was deleted

Example Payload

	"deleted": 1,
	"itemId": "6321ca84df3949bfc6752327"
	"deleted": 1,
	"itemId": "6321ca84df3949bfc6752327"