The Element Presets object specifies all the element types available in the designer. Using the Element Presets object, Apps can select native Webflow elements to insert onto a page with the element creation methods.
Each preset corresponds to a unique element type, complete with its own properties and methods. For a deeper understanding of how to manipulate these element properties and methods, consult the Designer Extension type definitions and documentation on element properties and methods.
This list outlines all presets that can be used with webflow.elementPresets.<preset>
Preset | Element Type |
Animation | AnyElement |
BackgroundVideoWrapper | BackgroundVideoWrapperElement |
BlockContainer | BlockContainerElement |
Blockquote | BlockquoteElement |
Button | LinkElement |
CodeBlock | CodeBlockElement |
CommerceAddToCartWrapper | AnyElement |
CommerceCartQuickCheckoutActions | CommerceCartQuickCheckoutActionsElement |
CommerceCartWrapper | AnyElement |
CommerceCheckoutAdditionalInfoSummaryWrapper | CommerceCheckoutAdditionalInfoSummaryWrapperElement |
CommerceCheckoutAdditionalInputsContainer | AnyElement |
CommerceCheckoutCustomerInfoSummaryWrapper | AnyElement |
CommerceCheckoutDiscounts | AnyElement |
CommerceCheckoutFormContainer | AnyElement |
CommerceCheckoutOrderItemsWrapper | AnyElement |
CommerceCheckoutOrderSummaryWrapper | AnyElement |
CommerceCheckoutPaymentSummaryWrapper | CommerceCheckoutPaymentSummaryWrapperElement |
CommerceCheckoutShippingSummaryWrapper | AnyElement |
CommerceDownloadsWrapper | CommerceDownloadsWrapperElement |
CommerceOrderConfirmationContainer | AnyElement |
CommercePayPalCheckoutButton | CommercePayPalCheckoutButtonElement |
CommercePaypalCheckoutFormContainer | AnyElement |
DivBlock | BlockElement |
DOM | DOMElement |
DropdownWrapper | DropdownWrapperElement |
DynamoWrapper | DynamoWrapperElement |
FacebookElement | |
FormBlockLabel | FormBlockLabelElement |
FormButton | FormButtonElement |
FormCheckboxInput | AnyElement |
FormFileUploadWrapper | AnyElement |
FormForm | AnyElement |
FormRadioInput | AnyElement |
FormReCaptcha | FormReCaptchaElement |
FormSelect | AnyElement |
FormTextarea | AnyElement |
FormTextInput | AnyElement |
Grid | GridElement |
Heading | HeadingElement |
HFlex | HFlexElement |
HtmlEmbed | HtmlEmbedElement |
Image | AnyElement |
IX2InstanceFactoryOnClass | BlockElement |
IX2InstanceFactoryOnElement | LinkElement |
LayoutFeaturesList | SectionElement |
LayoutFeaturesMetrics | SectionElement |
LayoutFeaturesTable | SectionElement |
LayoutFooterDark | SectionElement |
LayoutFooterLight | SectionElement |
LayoutFooterSubscribe | SectionElement |
LayoutGalleryOverview | SectionElement |
LayoutGalleryScroll | SectionElement |
LayoutGallerySlider | SectionElement |
LayoutHeroHeadingCenter | SectionElement |
LayoutHeroHeadingLeft | SectionElement |
LayoutHeroHeadingRight | SectionElement |
LayoutHeroStack | SectionElement |
LayoutHeroSubscribeLeft | SectionElement |
LayoutHeroSubscribeRight | SectionElement |
LayoutHeroWithoutImage | SectionElement |
LayoutLogosQuoteBlock | SectionElement |
LayoutLogosQuoteDivider | SectionElement |
LayoutLogosTitleLarge | SectionElement |
LayoutLogosTitleSmall | SectionElement |
LayoutLogosWithoutTitle | SectionElement |
LayoutNavbarLogoCenter | SectionElement |
LayoutNavbarLogoLeft | SectionElement |
LayoutNavbarNoShadow | SectionElement |
LayoutPricingComparison | SectionElement |
LayoutPricingItems | SectionElement |
LayoutPricingOverview | SectionElement |
LayoutTeamCircles | SectionElement |
LayoutTeamSlider | SectionElement |
LayoutTestimonialColumnDark | SectionElement |
LayoutTestimonialColumnLight | SectionElement |
LayoutTestimonialImageLeft | SectionElement |
LayoutTestimonialSliderLarge | SectionElement |
LayoutTestimonialSliderSmall | SectionElement |
LayoutTestimonialStack | SectionElement |
LightboxWrapper | LightboxWrapperElement |
LinkBlock | LinkElement |
List | ListElement |
ListItem | ListItemElement |
LogIn | UserLogInFormWrapperElement |
MapWidget | MapWidgetElement |
NavbarWrapper | NavbarWrapperElement |
Pagination | PaginationElement |
Paragraph | ParagraphElement |
QuickStack | LayoutElement |
ResetPassword | UserResetPasswordFormWrapperElement |
RichText | RichTextElement |
Row | RowElement |
SearchForm | AnyElement |
Section | SectionElement |
SignUp | UserSignUpFormWrapperElement |
SliderWrapper | SliderWrapperElement |
Spline | AnyElement |
StructureLayoutQuickStack1plus2 | SectionElement |
StructureLayoutQuickStack1x1 | SectionElement |
StructureLayoutQuickStack2plus1 | SectionElement |
StructureLayoutQuickStack2x1 | SectionElement |
StructureLayoutQuickStack2x2 | SectionElement |
StructureLayoutQuickStack3x1 | SectionElement |
StructureLayoutQuickStack4x1 | SectionElement |
StructureLayoutQuickStackMasonry | SectionElement |
TabsWrapper | TabsWrapperElement |
TextBlock | BlockElement |
TextLink | LinkElement |
TwitterElement | |
UpdatePassword | UserUpdatePasswordFormWrapperElement |
UserAccount | UserAccountWrapperElement |
UserAccountSubscriptionList | UserAccountSubscriptionListWrapperElement |
UserLogOutLogIn | UserLogOutLogInElement |
VFlex | VFlexElement |
Video | VideoElement |
YouTubeVideo | YouTubeVideoElement |