
Retrieves the current breakpoint setting in the Designer. Webflow’s built-in responsive breakpoints - also known as media queries - allow users to customize site designs for different screen sizes. Knowing the current breakpoint can help your app build responsive content that’s applicable to different screen sizes and contexts.


1webflow.getMediaQuery(): Promise<BreakpointId>


Promise<BreakpointID >:"xxl" | "xl" | "large" | "main" | "medium" | "small" | "tiny" - Identifier for the breakpoint size, also known as media query, in the designer.

A Promise that resolves to the value of the Breakpoint ID.


1 const breakpointId = await webflow.getMediaQuery();
3 switch (breakpointId) {
4 case 'xxl':
5 console.log("The current view is for very large screens or high-resolution monitors.");
6 break;
7 case 'xl':
8 console.log("The current view is suitable for large desktop monitors.");
9 break;
10 case 'large':
11 console.log("The current view fits standard desktop monitors.");
12 break;
13 case 'main':
14 console.log("The current view is suitable for smaller desktops or large tablets.");
15 break;
16 case 'medium':
17 console.log("The current view is suitable for tablets and some large phones.");
18 break;
19 case 'small':
20 console.log("The current view is designed for larger mobile devices.");
21 break;
22 case 'tiny':
23 console.log("The current view is for the smallest mobile devices.");
24 break;
25 }
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