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Get style properties


Retrieves the CSS properties of the specified Style Object. See the style properties list for an index of CSS properties that can be set on a Style.


style.getProperties(options?: BreakpointAndPseudo): Promise<PropertyMap>


  • options : BreakpointAndPseudo {breakpoint: BreakpointId, pseudo: PseudoStateKey?}- An optional parameter to filter properties based on a breakpoint and/or pseudo-class, also known as a pseudo-state.

    • BreakpointId: "xxl" | "xl" | "large" | "main" | "medium" | "small" | "tiny" - An optional identifier of the breakpoint size, also known as media query, in the Designer.
    • PseudoStateKey: "noPseudo" | "nth-child(odd)" | "nth-child(even)" | "first-child" | "last-child" | "hover" | "active" | "pressed" | "visited" | "focus" | "focus-visible" | "focus-within" | "placeholder" | "empty" | "before" | "after" - An optional identifier for the pseudo-classes of an element that can be targeted and styled using CSS.



A Promise that resolves to a PropertyMap object. A dictionary of style properties and their values.


// Get selected element
const element = await webflow.getSelectedElement()

if (element?.styles) {

  // Get Element Styles
  const styles = await element.getStyles()

  // Initialize an empty object to store all properties
  const allProperties: { [key: string]: any } = {};

  for (let style of styles) {
    // Use string type for styleName
    const styleName: string = await style.getName();
    const breakpoint : BreakpointAndPseudo = {breakpoint: 'xxl'}
    const properties = await style.getProperties(breakpoint);
    allProperties[styleName] = properties;

